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Showing posts from March, 2012

New biking season :-)

   New season is open.....someone has new black with red stickers Cresent....that someone is very happy...that someone is very fast...that someone has new nick name "flying Cicci" :-)) ...and that someone has sore legs....

Spring in the air....

The time has come Spring is here Brown becomes green Bare becomes dressed When I think about spring "Ja visst gör det ont när knoppar brister Varför skulle annars våren tveka?" From Karin Boye´s well quoted poem If I Google translate this: "Yes of course it hurts when buds burst. Otherwise why would spring hesitate?" Maybe not as poetic in English but the massage is clear..

Its all about the tomatoes!!

Life is all about enjoying... A pictures says more then thousands words, right!? Mr Nikolovski enjoys many good things but I would say these red, soft, sweet vegetables has a special place in his heart...

So many Ideas....

I have so many different ideas what to draw & paint cool ideas, fun ideas, good ideas, creative ideas, bad ideas, not possible ideas, crazy ideas.... So many experiences & happenings that inspires me... Things I want to say, share or that I  just find funny... But some days I haven't got a clue what to draw, although I feel like creating something. Drawing block and cramp can be painful and worrying... Is it now I loose the creative side?? This feeling is normally not long lasting which is good news...

Early Breakfast @ Alnängsgatan

Great looking forward going on holiday Great being on holiday Great being back from holiday Great waking up 04.30 & having early breakfast, talking & looking out over Örebros empty streets. Not so cool during the day with this jet lag again... But hey thats life.... We Live to live and loving it..

Midnight coffee in San Rafael

 Team Nikolovski on new adventures and great sweet vaccation..                                After a looooong flight we arrived in San Francisco Beautiful views and server jet lag... Midnight snack, coffee and star gazing instead of sleeping is great... But makes you a little bit tired during the days...