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Showing posts from October, 2013

Sewing challenge // Man tager vad man haver

Man tager vad man haver, så löd väl ett av Kajsa Vargs uttryck ( vem var Kajsa Varg egentligen?!) Sagt och gjort. Symaskinen stod framme. Kände att jag behövde en utmaning och ta mitt symaskinskörkort, som jag tog på Säfsta skolan någon gång på slutet av 80-talet, till nya höjder. I min tyggömma hittade jag detta tuffa bomullstyg från IKEA. Tog en av Milas klänningar som en slags mall och here we go. En gammal fleece filt fick bli fodret. Spetsen längst ner införskaffade jag på en loppis någonstans i Kinna trakten för några år sedan för 30 kr. Tyckte det var ett svinbra köp då men har i ärlighetensnamn tvivlat på hur bra det köpet var tills nu!! Passar ju perfekt på denna mini kreaktion. Som grädde på moset fick mina röda plasthjärtsknappar pryda axelbanden. Inte illa pinkat av en trähäst som min gamla mattelärare Sture brukade säga alltför ofta. You take what you have - is a literally translation from an old Swedish saying. And it means basically that, use what you already have at h...

On the other side of hard times

  Say no more this is how I have been feelin for a few weeks. It is no doubt hard to be nine months and growing and developing. So much to learn and on top of this growing teeth ( it most be very painful indeed) and of course you need your mamma close to you 24-7. But it is also pretty hard to me mamma and to support the small one 24-7. Thank God it seems that we are now approaching the other side of this big and hard development phase. Hallejuja!!

Beautiful season

Autumn is a beautiful season no doubt. We all seems to be amazed and impressed by all the beautiful colors of the autumn leaves that are transforming our landscape and slowly preparing us for cold and dark season. Just go on Instagram and it is currently full of leaves from different countries and perspective. It is touching how we worship the yellow, red and orange leaves, nearly as mush as when they first come in the early spring. I also love this season. Fresh, bright air on a sunny autumn day. All the vibrant colors all around us, so strong, beautiful and powerful.   Time to buy cute and warm scarfs woolen hats, socks and gloves. Light some candles, make hot chocolate and scones and enjoy it in front of a good movie.   All good, but new for this year is the panic over what and how to dress the smallest member of Team Nikolovski. Is she warm enough ? Can she move in all the clothes?  Is she too warm? Do we need overall, jacket, rain-gear and ...

Mamma Mi ordered and here it is

Mamma Mi ordered a profile picture. The order specification was as following: Make me intelligent, kind, economical ( BA teacher) and good-looking. Here comes my reply.   Now Mamma Mi I know you want to leave a reply and I know you can do it. Do it ! Click on the letter at the end of the post, choose anonymous user (if you don't have a Google account) write something and send it !!

Autumn colors

There is this hill that I face driving down to Andel where I park the car when me and Mila is going down-town. This hill is amazing, so many colors and powerful shades. Each season is so magical. At the moment the hill is changing costume to warm autumn colors. For everyday more orange and yellow is coming through. I love it. So beautiful and magical.


Thank you P!ink!! Thank you to making my baby stop complaining, screaming and making her fall asleep. When nothing else work we put on your songs and she will listen intense and calm down. Your CD:s has come to be one of our most important things of all things we owe ( who would think that..). Always on in the car. Some kids use dummies to relax but this crazy baby of ours listens to your music. Here comes her top three songs: "Just give me a reason" ( works every time and sometimes we have to listen to it over and over again..)  "Perfect" ( Plays over and over in the car at the moment and I am starting to get a little worried that one of her first words will be Fucking perfect..) "Don't leave me" ( she loves this rather violent but fun video)

Things we do these days..

Were we really this silly before we had a baby? What did we spend our time doing before?  Is it really that fun to see us pop up in the doorway and say tittut in a loud voice? Or maybe she is just being polite and laughing to make us happy.

Frustration drives developement..

Before you read any further this is a little warning!! This post comes from a proud mother who wants to remember important dates in her babies development... Mila was for weeks doing some rather weird movements and getting very frustrated. I was also getting frustrated think that she needs to have a plan with her movements in order to succeed. But what I didn't know was that she had a plan and on 4/9 she manged to go from stomach to sitting up. My God that proudly smile she gave me after mission completed was to die for. A new world opened in front of her.     And she continued to practice different moves. Getting more frustrated. Frustrated over the fact that she was reversing instead of moving forward. I had to give her a helping hand her and there, for example when she got stuck underneath the sofa over and over again. And finaly all the frustration and practising paid off once again.. On 15/9 ( actually the date of our 2 year engagement annivers...