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Showing posts from July, 2014

Coming home with new words

Mila turned 1 year & a half while we were in Sweden. I can't believe how fast this year and a half has past. It is amazing to see this little girl grow and see all her new skills and funny ideas. During our stay in Sweden her linguistic skills burst out in bloom and all the blabla start to make more and more sense and formed more cute little words . This is a mammas proud memory post about her new words. Mila is already a big Pippi Longstocking fan and she is saying Pippi in the cutest way and wants to listen to Pippi song all the time. Ko (cow), kaka ( cookie) & boll ( ball) is also new words frequently used .   But maybe her most important and useful word is mormor (grandmother) which is making her grandmother extra super proud. She wakes up asking for mamma, pappa & now mormor. And aunty Sofie she calls Bee