We keep singing rain rain go away.. But it seems to have no effect here in Sweden. After a record cold, rainy and windy May and June I guess we were all hoping for some nice warm sunny weather. We northern people need to charge our batteries with some nice weather before the dark comes again. I can already notice that the dark is falling at night after some weeks of light nights around Midsummer. I guess still some time to hope for this amazing Swedish summer days though, don't think I have given up on you! So I continue singing rain rain go away!
We keep singing rain rain go away.. But it seems to have no effect here in Sweden. After a record cold, rainy and windy May and June I guess we were all hoping for some nice warm sunny weather. We northern people need to charge our batteries with some nice weather before the dark comes again. I can already notice that the dark is falling at night after some weeks of light nights around Midsummer. I guess still some time to hope for this amazing Swedish summer days though, don't think I have given up on you! So I continue singing rain rain go away!
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