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Daycare introduction no walk in the park

Kids started kindergarten 18 August.... My dad spend first THREE weeks being with them as an introduction. They refused to leave his side and if the teacher hadn't told us that we have to try to leave them there by themselves a little I think he would still spend his days at kids daycare with them ( very carrying granddad indeed)  First weeks (!) I had to pull myself free from screaming and crying kids to get to work. It broke my heart over and over. But worst to come... After this phase came the silent big crocodile tears. Horrible and even more heart breaking. These tears was accompanied with Mila begging me not to leave her and saying "but I love you and I want to be with you" " I miss you sooooo much" "Why do you have to leave me?" "Who will take care of me?" "I also want to be a grown-up so I can come with you to your job" These begging and her being very nervous for being left at kindergarten was more then heart breaking if that is possible. We were thinking this will never get better she will never want to go there.
During our vacation in Spain she started to play daycare and saying that she was missing her best friend there. And so came the day, TODAY, when she didn't complain going to daycare!!! She only got a little glace in her eyes as I said bye bye but when her little friend came running to help her off with her shoes I was already forgotten. So grateful for this development. People keep saying that it has been extra hard doing the daycare introduction at almost 4 years old ( in all well meaning) and of course that is very true she knows what she wants, can express herself and have more develop emotions. I agree it is harder but not for a second do I regret that I had the chance to be fulfilled and happy being home with her. She is now ready to be a little more independent and try new things without me.
What about Filip. Filip is only 1 year and 4 months and I think it is early for him to start daycare. Although he is a different character and also as he is born here in Sweden where we have family around he is also more use to having more people taking care of him since he is born. In Prague we had great friends but not same close connection with family around all the time as we have had with Filip. He has been hanging with granddad and uncle Christer since he is born. My feeling is that he can handle daycare. Also I am only working three days a week and get help to pick up so not even long days. Filip cried today when I handed him over but before I even went through the door I could hear him asking Mike (the teacher)  for different things. And my uncle Christer picked them up after lunch and Filip's nap.

Fingers crossed now that we are on the other-side of daycare introduction !!!


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