In Sweden February has changed name to Vaburari. VAB is short for vård av sjukt barn which in English means "home taking care of sick kid" and statistically February is the month where most people claim VAB from our state insurance. And this year Team Nikolovski bumped up the statistic. I think we have been nothing but ill this month. I am sick of it. I feel like I havn't been to work in ages. This last week has dragged like no week before. Or actually today I am celebrating drinking Champagne because today is the fist day without fever or higher temperature in Nikolovski household in 9 DAYS!!! Ohhh my God I never thought fever could last this long!! First Filip and after Mila and then my dad. I am drinking the whole bottle fast by myself celebrating and pushing away the unpleasant feeling that I am now feeling that I am maybe getting a sore throat !!
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