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Rheinland has five seasons

Did you know that here in Rheinland, Germany they have not only four seasons but five seasons
Autumn Winter Karneval Spring and Summer
Karneval is celebrated annually and people dress up, come together and celebrate.
It is very surprisingly how big karneval is here as I thought karneval was big in warm exotic countries not in this northern rational stiffer industrial country. Karneval is big especially in Köln and Düsseldorf.
I got asked already in the autumn if I had ever experienced Karneval and when I said no people was telling me all about it with a special fascination in their voice. Karneval goes on for many days or actually the people who are involved in karneval club and are choosen to be prinzpaar they dress up, party and have meetings about karneval from 11.11 when karneval season opens until Rosentag Montag which this year was on 4 of March.

But where does karneval comes from?
Karneval is dated back to the Middle Ages in Germany but might even go back to the Roman time. When it first began Karneval was a festival to honor Diysos, the God of wine, where locals from the Rheinland would get together drink wine, discuss and critizes the authorities without any penalties during the days of celebration.

My first Karneval experience in Düsseldorf 
Started on Thursday 28 February
Kids got dressing up in the morning for Karneval party in their kita. Mila dressed up as Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and she really looked like a mini copy of him. She is such cool and brave girl although she was very nervous to show up at kita in her costume. Filip was first going to be Father Christmas but as he is dressed as him every other day he decided to be a policeman a very cute policeman.
Kita was all decorated and prepared for party and fun activities.

After leaving the kids I went home to get dressed in my mouse hat before heading with Ubahn in to town to meet up my German class and experience Karneval kick off in Altstadt. It was an experience only going with Ubahn as everyone was dressed up and party train early in the morning.

Our German teacher Nadia took us first to a bakery to try Berliner with champagne flavor, a sweet bun specially for Karneval. After that we headed to Alstadt and the Rathaus (Town Hall) where at 11.11 the women take over the power of the Town hall and its officially starting of karneval. Lots and lots of people out. Everybody dressed up. Techno music. Beer and cheering. In the smallest and very traditional bar in Düsseldorf Nadia ordered us Düsseldorf special drink Killepitsch kräuterlikeur. 

I headed back to Kita where parents were invited for karneval party - with singing, snacks and drinks. As a Swede I am always so surprise that it is normal here to serve parents wine in the kindergarten during activities like this. 
A lot of Helau screaming in kita when Prinzpaaren came and celebrated karneval with the kids. 
HELAU  - Is what everybody greets here in Düsseldorf for Karneval and in Köln they say AFFLOU instead. 

Karneval continued on Saturday with the kinder karneval parade on Köningsallé in the city. Big long parade with candy rain. Oh my good kids collected so much sweets. 

Ended with another but smaller karneval parade on the Rosen Montag in Wittlaer our neighbourhood. And by now I had filled my quota of celebration and dressing up. It was a great experience and when I have recovered from this years karneval I will look forward to next year.


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