During December I have been baking quit a lot of different things. Sweet cinemon buns ( Swedish specialty) toffee ginger-bread cookies ( great experiment) licorice biscotties (I Love them...) and a bunch more cool and caloric stuff. Great to have home-made cookies home to enjoy with a cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk here and there.... But there is just one problem, I eat everything as fast as I am baking... This means that if I bake in the evening they are ALL gone by the morning. Mr Nikolovski is chocked over my piles of cookies and believe me he is trying to control me as much as he can.. But I just can't resist freshly baked cookies and surely it is not that bad, only sugar, flour and butter = super natural... Jag har under december och i väntans tider passat på och bakat en hel del. Jag har bakat kola pepparkakor, lakrits biscottis, igelkottar och chokladkakor. Jag har och läst i någon käck föräldrar tidning att det kan vara bra att fylla frysen med lite ...