Das projekt "Erinnerungszeichen KZ-Außenlager" We have all heard of the concentrations camps Auschwitz and Dachau and the terrible crimes commited there. But did you know that during the Nazi Era around 730 so-called concentration camp subcamps were built. They were offshots from larger concentration camps such as Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. Between 1942 and 1945 there were five such camps in Düsseldorf, which has long been forgotten. Das projekt "Erinnerungszeichen KZ-Außenlager" - "The memorial concentration camp subcamp" The aim of this project is to remember and never forget what happened here in Düsseldorf not that long ago during the Nationalsozialismus. Here was the five subcamps in Düsseldorf -Das Außenlager Stoffeln - with up to 600 prisioners were used to clear debris after air-strikes. -In Kalkum it was also an external command at the Kalkum bomb clearance command. Their task was to recover bombblinders after air-raids. Unlike other conc...