Happy new year and welcome 2022 ! I am hoping this will be another good year. I am aware that being in the middle of a pandemic might not be classified as an amazing year, but on a personal level I think 2021 was a nice year. The scare for the virus was higher during 2020 when everything was new and restrictions felt more dramatic. 2021 we were already use to having this virus present although invisible and how to handle restrictions testing and masks.
For my creativity and productivity 2021 has been great. With part of the year being home-schooling I had less time to think what to draw or what to make and why. I just had to create what-ever came to my mind to have some time for me and a feeling that I am "doing" something. I constantly had my watercolors and drawing pad on the kitchen table - only cleaned it way a bit when we were eating. I have tested new techniques, spend a lot of time on the same drawing and from that I feel I have developed so much this year.
Here is just a few of my illsutrations from 2021 - more layers of colors and moe experiment with different techniques and most of all less thoughts more lust.
Another big milestone during 2021
Markets ! I managed to finally make myself to participate at markets with all my products I have made. This is a big deal for me - to be brave enough to bring my stuff out to the world and not just create and put in a draw or thinking about that I should try to sell. This year I went from thought to action. I participated at 3 hand-made open-air markets at the popular restaurant Landhaus Freeman here in Düsseldorf
Dear Cecilia, your work make me and my family happy. I am so impressed by your creativity, patience and there to being a super good mum. Bless you and your family.