Alright here is one of my New years tasks to myself and my creativity - to continue the weekly update ! It is week 3 of 2023 and lets do this ! A few weeks before Christmas I was selling my stuff at Kiwifalter's Winterfest here in Düsseldorf. Vonkreation was also there selling her nice cups, bags, shirts etc. All her stuff and ideas are super cool and I asked if it would be possible to print one of my illustrations on an enmal cup. The enamel cups are cute and great for picnics to serve coffee or even better Glühwein. I picked my Düsseldorf motive and also got help to pick a nice German quote used during Glühwein season " Lasst uns froh und munter sein". I am very happy with the result and I will bring them with to nice adventures in the nature in the future.