February means ski-break for most of the students and schools in Europe but not for the Germans school or at least not here in Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen (here instead schools have two weeks off for Easter and two for Autumn-break) But we do have a couple of February days off to celebrate Karneval. Karneval is a big deal! I have lived here for five years but still karneval is something special to experience and impressive to see how germans old and young likes dressing up to this level. This year we did the Rosen Montag Karnevalzug in Wittlaer instead of the big parade down-town. And instead of doing Karneval all weekend - me and the kids had planned a trip with friends to Lille in France. We left on Friday which was a day off and it is cool to live here in the heart of Europe and in 3 hours drive through 4 countries, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France. Lille was very cute french town and we do have a soft spot for cute French towns so this fitted us...