First week back in Düsseldorf after Easter break. It is beautiful here now more and more trees are blossoming and nature is going through the green explosion. My creative week Beginning of April I saw on Instagram that Penstore ( Art store online) was arranging a talent contest. They were having kits you could order which contained 8 pens or pencils from international well-known brands. I didn't know before hand which pens or colors I would get in my kit but from these 8 pens create something using all of the pens and no others. I love challenges so I decided to give this contest a go and also so fun to try new pens and pencils which I normally would not use. During Easter in Sweden I was testing the pens on different papers and decided early to stick to my style with red Swedish country house, nature and my characters. Although looking on Penstore´s Insta #penstoretalents2023 people are so talented and I feel inspired but also I feel I am a child and my drawings not worth to be ...