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Unwritten posts to be turned into written posts

I always have one or two sketchbooks ongoing that I am drawing and writing in. Sometimes one in one format and one in an other format. But I can't have more then two books as I want to have a chronological order in my sketchbooks. These sketchbooks I am mainly using to draw memories from my life and Team Nikolovski´s adventures like I have always done and what this blog is based on. I also like the process of creating the illustrations and then write a short text here on the blog explaining the picture. Lately (a couple of years maybe more) I have not managed to update here that much. Why? Well that is a good question.
1. First of all I would say Instagram as it is a forum which is quicker to publish - but there I am only writing a shorter text to the pictures as my idea has always been to keep the stories here but then not got around to write more here as it feels like I have already used the picture... 
2. An other thing is that I have been writing more and more in Swedish (out of this blog) and sometimes it feels weird to write in English ( not being my first language I feel I am making mistakes and also somehow and sometimes creating some linguistic limitations) but it also feels strange to all of a sudden move over to Swedish when I have always been writing in English here and the readers I have ( my husband for example) probably don't read Swedish very well. And maybe it is a way to get better to keep doing it, right!?
3. Who am I writing for? I have no idea why I am letting that slow down my writing but thinking to much about that.
4. When I have a back-log of ideas, illustrations and photos it gets messy when I am sitting down to write. Which post do I start with and I don't know where to start and so I don't start. Is it still interesting? My need of doing thing in chronological order making things hard. So much I want to write about for example about our move and our new life and area here in Düsseldorf and how German lifestyle differ from Swedish.

Ok having said that let's now - move on from here and let's just do it and enjoy it
So here comes a few illustrations from my sketchbook from autumn last year

During autumn break here in Düsseldorf in October kids kita (daycare) organized many fun activities. As I was looking through Filip groups activities I nearly had a heart-attack. A day trip to Wild Park in Grafenberg was planned.... Fun but I feel he still is our small baby, or he was just a baby like yesterday. And now he is going with his German kita group with U-bahn through the city, change to another train and then walking pretty far uphill to the Wild Park. Having picnic with his friends and listening to his German teachers. He was so proud doing this trip and so happy and tired when he came back. I was happy but pretty nervous seeing him go and I have to admit I had left a little note in his jacket pocket with my phone number just in case he got lost... But I was also of course very very proud of him and amazed how much he has grown and that he is actually a little boy now and not a baby anymore. 

We managed a real full on Halloween experience here in Düsseldorf.  Mila had a creative idea how her costume would look like and I had another idea and so we fell out in that misunderstanding creativity.. After some screaming and a few tears we came to a peace agreement and managed to create a black dark spirit unicorn. Filip was more chilled and let me create a ghost outfit from a tablecloth and he had created a spooky mask I bought at IKEA. I had booked to met with a girl and her mother from kita in the neighborhood in Kaiserswerth where most American expats lives. Oh my God what a great experience. In this neighborhood the houses where decorated full on and its habitants ready for trick or treat. So many cool monsters, witches, super Mario, headless people and other weird characters. Outside one house they organized a party with drinks and bbq and sweets. I never though anyone related to me would be brave enough to knock any door ( as I would never be brave enough...) But I was wrong Filip love sweets and when he realized that he just had to knock on a door to get plenty he was not shy at all. And soon Mila followed behind her little brother and kindergarten friend.

Talking about halloween we have a very cool farm shop close to where we live and from October their stands were full of bright orange pumpkins in different sizes. Cute little shop selling fruits and vegetables.


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