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Showing posts from 2012

Impressive baking and eating speed

During December I have been baking quit a lot of different things. Sweet cinemon buns ( Swedish specialty) toffee ginger-bread cookies ( great experiment) licorice biscotties (I Love them...) and a bunch more cool and caloric stuff. Great to have home-made cookies home to enjoy with a cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk here and there.... But there is just one problem, I eat everything as fast as I am baking... This means that if I bake in the evening they are ALL gone by the morning. Mr Nikolovski is chocked over my piles of cookies and believe me he is trying to control me as much as he can.. But I just can't resist freshly baked cookies and surely it is not that bad, only sugar, flour and butter = super natural... Jag har under december och i väntans tider passat på och bakat en hel del. Jag har bakat kola pepparkakor, lakrits biscottis, igelkottar och chokladkakor. Jag har och läst i någon käck föräldrar tidning att det kan vara bra att fylla frysen med lite ...

Magic arrival of new member

After all the waiting, five days after due date, Team Nikolovskis little baby girl decided it was time to come out. At Prague Kralovske Vinohrady on Thursday 20.12.2012 at 14.35  little Mila Kristina Nikolovski was born. She came out strong and healthy, 51 cm and 3,9 kg. Everything went well and we are so happy to have her here with us. She is amazing and a real sweetheart, Team Nikolovski can't stop looking at her. We are proud and happy parents, trying to get to know our baby girl and do what is best for her. We are blessed that she has a lot of patience and understanding for her parents who are still learning what and when to do things. Efter månader av väntan och längtan bestämde sig vår lilla dotter att det var dags att komma ut fem dagar efter beräknat datum. I Prague på sjukhuset Kralovske Vinohrady torsdagen den 20.12.2012 klockan 14.35 föddes Mila Kristina Nikolovski. Allt gick bra och hon var stor och stark med sina 51 cm & 3,9 kg. Hon är helt fantastisk och en r...

Christmas in the house..

With all this extra time available, I am entertaining myself with a bunch of different projects. Last week I got inspired to make Xmas in Team Nikolovski houshold. Off to IKEA I went. Found some funky fabrics to work with and spend a good few hours sewing Xmas curtains (gives a lot of grown-up points indeed..). I was pretty pleased with the result and proudly presented my work for Mr Nikolovski when he came home.. He looked them up and down and tried to like them BUT admitted that they remind him of a cheap ice-cream stand ...    

All about waiting 7

If we have to wait much longer Team Nikolovski will become old and wrinkly We will dress in old fashion cloths and listen to old fashion music (ohh yeah we do that already...) Om vi måste vänta längre kommer Team Nikolovski att bli gamla och rynkiga. Vi kommer att klä oss i omoderna kläder och lyssna på omodern musik ( just det det gör vi ju redan..)

All about waiting 6

Waiting for your turn  Who got there before you? How long will it take?  You are in need Be patient and wait and try not to pee yourself!! Att vänta på sin tur Vem är där inne? Hur lång tid kan det ta?  Du har behov att uträtt Ha tålamod, vänta och undvika att kissa på dig!! 

All about waiting 5

  Behind closed doors Patience is to wait just by the door Every sound, every movement can be a door opener Bakom stängda dörrar Väntar jyckar spänt men tålmodigt Varje ljud eller rörelse kan vara en dörr öppnare

All about waiting topic

  I am focused on waiting and being patient, therefor is also my sketches influenced...  I will continue working on different waiting stories for a bit longer, I guess... Patiently waiting... Jag har fullt fokus på att vänta och ha tålamod, därför är även mina teckningar influerande. Jag antar att jag kommer att fortsätta med olika vänta historier ett tag till.. Tålmodigt väntar jag...

All about waiting 4

Christmas Eve waiting When is Santa coming? When will Santa come with our presents? Patiently waiting and waiting is the only way  Julafton ett enda långt väntande Mätt på Julmat och julgodis, Kalle Anka har fånat runt på TV:n.. När kommer tomten? Kommer tomten snart? Har ni varit snälla? Julafton handlar om tålamod och ett jäkla väntande..

All about waiting 3

Post office waiting Old retired people in different forms like early mornings. They also seems to like waiting for the post-office to open. To be first in line and first to be served. Patiently waiting for the light to get turned on and the door to be opened. Att vänta utanför Posten Pensionärer verkar gilla tidiga mornar. De verkar också gilla att vara  ut i god tid och vänta på att postkontoret ska öppna. Dagens första kund. Redo att uträtta diverse ärrenden och står där tålmodigt och väntar. (Nu vet jag inte om vi har några Postkontor kvar i Sverige, men det kan lika gärna vara en bank...)  

All about waiting 2

Waiting for next meal A  gang of cats from the neighborhood are collected around the a bird-feeder. They are focused and have a lot of patience. They are waiting for the right moment to come... I väntan på nästa måltid Ett gäng katter har samlats under det längst sittande fågelbordet i området. De är fokuserade som bara en katt kan vara. Tålamod är deras förstanamn. Väntar man på något gott kan man inte vänta för länge...

All about waiting 1

 At the bus stop A purple haired lady, her small white dog, a scared first grader and a stubborn teenager attached to her phone. They are all waiting for the next bus to come. They are patiently waiting.-  Vid bushållsplatsen En piffad tant med lila hår, hennes vita lilla hund, den rädda förstagluttaren och en envis tonåring med näsan i mobilen. De väntar alla på att nästa buss ska komma. Tålmodigt väntande..

IF: Stretch

A stretched morning walk when your companions has enthusiastic levels wide apart...

Xmas, recession and unemployment

Recessions also affects the Christmas spirit in many ways. This year one group is especially affected, the Christmas Angels A series of layoffs and an increase level of unemployment has hit these Xmas figures. The Angels traditional tasks around Christmas is to spin round and round the angels chimes and to decorate the Christmas tree, but this year those jobs has gone to Santas and ginger cookie men.  It is facts that the Christmas decoration are increasingly dominated by men. Christmas feminists rage against this development and is currently having crisis talks to come up with a plan to break this trend. Jul, lågkonjunktur och arbetslöshet  Lågkonjunkturer drabbar även julen på många sätt. Just i år är det en grupp som är extra drabbade, Julens änglar.  En rad varsel och en allt högre grad av arbetslöshet har drabbat dessa glädjespridare. Änglarnas traditionella arbetsuppgifter såsom dansa runt runt i änglaspelen och att dekorera julgra...

1st Advent down-town Prague

  On first of advent Team Nikolovski went down-town to check-out Pragues giant Christmas tree and maket at the Old Town Square (Staromeska). Huge tree and alot of decorations, very pretty. The Christmas markets are famous and can be found all around Prague from 26 November open everyday until Christmas.  There was of course ALOT  of people, but I simply erased them from my illustration as I dont like too much people at one place. På första advent begav sig Team Nikolovski ner till Staromeska för att spana in den enorma julgranen på torget. En riktig jätte till gran vill jag lova och den var hur tjusig som helst med allt pynt och belysning. Julmarknaden var också i fullgång med bjäller klang, härliga dofter från "glögg" och bak stånden och såklart alldeles för mycket folk.. I min illustration föll allt folk bort tillsammans med några kilon på Team Nikolovski, skönt att jag kan städa undan lite hur jag vill i mina tec...

Illustration Friday: Whiskers

  On the topic whiskers.  This little cat family is enjoying their first snow.  They are watching snow-flakes after snow-flakes covering the city in the late evening. På teamat morrhår Denna lilla kattfamilj sitter på första parkett och ser den första snön falla över staden.  Det är kväll och även om katter egentligen inte gillar vatten är det magiskt att se snöflinga efter snöflinga falla för allra första gången. 


Zoom was last weeks word on IF.  This is how I interpreted and got inspired by the word.  Zooming down a ski-slope would be great.

Lost without my smoothie

Me and smoothie has a long relationship and we are still going strong. My mamma Mi introduced smoothies about 20 years ago, when I was a tiny person who had issues and lack of time to eat breakfast. Mamma Mi prepared and served me nice colorful smoothies daily for years. Great start of the day and a lot of energy. At the moment I am enjoying long big breakfasts and have time to make experiments with different flavors. My smoothies is reaching new heights everyday.. Pineapple, blueberry and grapes is a great combination that I can recommend.  Inte utan min smoothie Smoothies = nyttig fruktig drink som jag tror saknar svensköversättning och istället har vi svenskar kort och gott adopterat det engelska ordet smoothie. Jag har haft ett långt förhållande till smoothies och vårt förhållande växer sig allt starkare för varje år. Det var mamma Mi som introducerade smoothies för sisådär 20 år sedan. Jag var liten och mager och hade svårt att äta frukost. Hur jag inte kunde äta fru...

Me feeling like Barbamama

Last week I had one of those days when I feel like super not glamorous at all. Dirty hair in a bad shape, dressed in soft washed out cloths all day and feeling big and round like Barbamama. The following day I decided to do something about this and found a hairdresser who did a very good job of my hair. I also put on some descent cloths and tried with some make-up, but I am still feeling as big as Barbamama..  Känner mig som en Barbamama Förra veckan kände jag mig sådär ruggigt oglamorös. Skitigt hår i behov av klippning, klädd i urtvättade myskläder med hål både här och där. Dessutom kände jag mig lika stor, rund och tung som Barbamama. Det var helt enkelt dags för ett uppryck och jag begav mig följande dag till frissören som gjorde ett riktigt bra jobb med min tjocka man. Jag drog på mig något hippare trasor som fortfarande passar min runda mage och piffade till mig med lite smink. Fräschare jodå men ta mig tusan jag känner mig ändock som en stor jäkla Barbamama..

Dr. Pretty normal but pretty grumpy

  My doctor is a pretty grumpy doctor. He is not happy to speak English and he was pretty upset when he got me as a patient. But as time has gone and our baby bump has grown he has become softer and an important support. I have got use to him always saying that results and findings are PRETTY normal, not normal but pretty normal. In the beginning I thought what the hell does pretty normal mean is that good or can I be more normal? I have digested the expression and of course he is right. We are all different and actually what is normal? Probably none of us are totally normal just pretty normal not more not less. The other day when I visited him for the last time before mini is born, I gave him a bottle of wine that Mr Nikolovski sent with me. As I gave him the bottle and thanked him for taken such good grumpy care of us I even got a little emotional. For the coming weeks I will do all the controls at the hospital which is all new and scary again. Dr. ganska normal o...

Sunday outfit

  Team Nikolovski's Sunday outfit is comfortable, relaxed and soft Our mood is also relaxed and comfortable, should we really destroy this state of mind with a trip to IKEA? We need some baby related stuff, but seriously is Sunday the best day? I can't stand too much people at one place and our stress level will without a doubt rise sky high. Just thinking about it make me feel bad. Söndags lunket Team Nikolovski's söndagsklädsel går under benämningen löst och ledigt. Vi har njutit av vår obligatoriska helg frukost och är så där härligt avslappnade. Frågan är om vi verkligen ska förstöra detta avslappnade lunk och till IKEA en söndag?? Vi behöver komplettera babyutrustningen, men bara tanken på IKEA en söndag med allt folk får mig att må fysiskt dåligt... 

Birds coolest hang-out

Team Nikolovski lives on the top floor of our building.Up here we are close to the clouds as well as to the nature. On our balcony we have enjoyed warm summer nights, nice dinners, sunny days and airplanes that now and then fly too close and makes too much noise. We can see the city in the horizon and gaze at stars at night time. I have replanted the pots from ugly bushes to bright colorful flowers. From summer colors to autumn colors. Next to one of the flowerpots is a wooden bird-feeder placed. It looks very cute and I thought it is placed there just for decoration reasons, but lately there is a little bird who keeps turning up. He lands on the edge of the flowerpot, checks the feeder out and then look at me in a very sweet and a little disappointed way. Before he flies off he skips around the balcony. A short while later he is back. I am surely not a bird lover, but something about this bird got me to buy a bag of tasty seeds and nuts this weekend. Now there is a real bird party...

Celebration and just another day

Today is Team Nikolovski's wedding anniversary. My best and most important yes of all yes's and the best decision in my life. My real life started when I met You. It is like going to the Cinema. Before the real movie starts it is commercial and trailers. Sometimes you feel like it goes on forever but at the same time it is an important part of the whole experience. The commercial and trailer part can be fun,stupid, entertaining and confusing. Then the lights gets turned off and the red curtains close for a short while before they slide open and with great load music the movie you have come to see is starting. The movie takes your breath away and takes you on an adventure and to new experiences you never have experienced before. The movie of my life started when I met my You! We don't believe in special celebrations as everyday together is just as important and worth to celebrate. Today is Sunday a grey grey Sunday and we are having a relaxing day at home. Baking...

Confusion in the baby jungle

Are Team Nikolovski prepared for a mini member and new challenges? or maybe more like it have we understood that we are only a few weeks in front of new challenges and a mini member? I would frankly say: "not really" or "as much as one can be prepared." I have done research what is needed, but there is sooo much stuff and things. We have taken our first steps into this baby-shop world. A crazy world and shops I have never even noticed before. Not sure I even knew they existed, maybe they didn't exist before!? They are huge and contains baby related products high and low. Products I don't know how and where to use them. A new world. Just take baby strollers as an example. There are millions different types. Four wheels, three wheels, big wheels, small wheels, turning wheels and many many other weird wheel combinations. Black, blue, red, green, pink and all the rest of all the colors in the world. Hundreds of different handlebars, materials, desi...

New routines and projects

Nearly a week has gone on my maternity leave ( waiting and preparing for mini leave to be precise). New routines to get use to: wake up around 9, a hot bath,  a nice fresh breakfast and watching Swedish TV-show "After teen" and the day can start. I have been for yoga, a good way to move and relax my stiff and inflexible body. But mostly I have taken the opportunity to draw and illustrate. Life is good and so far not bored one little bit.. One of my projects are to make pictures that I can hang on the wall in my planed baby corner. This is my latest collection: a gang of pink elephants, blue and fat cats and a snail race. What about them, are they pretty baby friendly?    Nya rutiner och projekt  Första veckan på min mammaledighet (vänta- på-bebis-ledighet för att vara korrekt) har snart passerat. Så mycket nya rutiner att behöva vänja sig vid: slå upp mina blå runt nio tiden, ta ett varmt bad med väldoftande olja, härlig och stor frukost framför TV pro...

Illustration Friday: Shy

Illustration Friday: Haunt

This week´s topic on Illustration Friday is Haunt, a topic inspired by Halloween. Team Nikolovski got invited to a Halloween party this weekend to come, unfortunately in Sweden so we have to give it a miss. However I started to think what costume I would choose and realized that it is easy this year. It already feels and maybe looks like I am carrying around a big pumpkin. Baby bump would easily with orange colors be taken for a scary pumpkin, so half job done. The rest of the witch outfit fits me pretty well and strangely enough I feel pretty comfortable in frizzy hair and a big hat. Mr Nikolovski would easily be transformed into a sweet Dracula or Devil. Veckans tema på Illustration Friday är Haunt, svensk översättning spöka eller hemsöka. Team Nikolovski är bjuden denna helg på Halloween fest i Katrineholm och tyvärr är det lite för långt för oss att åka. Dock började jag genast spåna på ideer på vad vi skulle kunna klä ut oss till. I år känns det ganska enkel...

New times ahead

This feels a little strange but from today I will start my maternity leave. Me and our baby bump will be home and grow a little more and to relax. According to Czech law you are supposed to be home 6 weeks before expected delivery date. Great law as I think it is good to let yourself slow down and to focus on the new tasks and challenges. Also it gives me time to focus on my different painting and illustration projects and to arrange baby bumps get-together here in Prague. I am sure I will keep myself busy but it is a very weird feeling to leave the job behind for some time to come.   Nya tider Idag jobbar jag min sista dag på kontoret och får den nya rollen som mammaledig. Jag och magen ska vara hemma och ta det lugnt och ladda för nya tider. Magen ska växa till sig lite till, pust, och jag ska passa på att fokusera på att må bra och samla super energier. Enligt Tjeckisk lag ska man gå hem 6 veckor innan beräknat datum och det tror jag är helt rätt. Äv...

A taste of winter

Saturday morning Team Nikolovski woke up to a winter land. White fluffy snow was falling down and covering streets and balconies in a white dress. Pretty, but wait a minute it is only October and way too early for snow!! Mr Nikolovski who is following weather forecasts with a special passion knew that this could happen. He has for sure tried to enlighten me about this, but my ears most often chose not to register weather forecasts. The snow came as a shock to me. I had no idea and had planned to replant my flowerpots this weekend. Now instead my poor geraniums were covered under a heavy blanket of cold wet snow together with the newly bought autumn flowers. Typical!   My childhood friends Titti and Tess were spending the weekend with us in Prague. We had planned to enjoy the weekend strolling up and down Prague's streets in nice warm sunny autumn weather. Now instead we had to dress warm with hat and ...

Illustration Friday topic: Sky

Illustration Friday is an online forum for illustrator´s and artists at all levels. At this forum I can read articles, blogs and get inspired by people from all around the world who also loves to draw, paint and illustrate.  Every Friday afternoon a new topic is presented on the forum. Everyone who wants to participate illustrates something on this topic and share it on this forum. A small online exhibition is created in this way. The topic works as a good inspiration, motivation and is a great challenge. It is also very nice to see other illustrators interpretation of the same topic and get new ideas.   My inspiration to last week´s topic sky on Illustrating Friday is the season we are in. Autumn is so pretty and magical with all the powerful colors and shades. Crispy fresh air, cold winds, wet, muddy parks but so so beautiful when the sun comes out. I imagine that I could fly around with the leaves up in the sky. Up there I can enjoy the be...

An empty frame = New project ongoing

Mr Nikolovski asked me the other day what the point is with my empty frame that I have hung on one wall. Even though I think it looks pretty cool like it is, empty, I do have a plan to put something in the frame eventually. My plan to action process can sometimes unfortunately take some time, but in this case I promise I am working on it!! This is at least my first prototype and a good start. I will get back with the finish product when or maybe if I manage to produce something that I am happy with. For now we have to enjoy the empty frame, but at least it has a great bright turquoise color.   En tom ram = Ett nytt projekt Mr Nikolovski tittade undrande på en tom ram som jag nyligen spikade upp på väggen och frågade vad syftet med denna färgglada men tomma ram var. Jag tycker att den gör sig ganska bra tom, men kan meddela att ja jag har en plan att fylla den med något. Den kreativa funderar processen har påbörjats i mitt huvud, men så ska det ut på pap...

Autumn colors and great visit..

  Autumn and all the autumn colors have really reached Prague. It is beautiful with all the bright impressive colors surrounding the city. I love this season even though the dark mornings are killing me. Unfortunately the weather changed a couple of days ago from nice, warm and sunny to grey, foggy and cold. Team Nikolovski have had great visit during last week, granddad Sven-Hugo & Ellen. They have explored Prague, enjoyed Czech beer, came with us on a day trip to Dresden, been telling interesting stories about old relatives and their stories. Together we've made Folkesson traditional Christmas sausages, gone shopping and we've had great help to keep the flat nice and clean. Thank you for coming and visiting us I hope you come back in the spring when the sun is back..     Höstiga färger och trevligt besök På beordran skriver jag några rader på svenska. Google översätt är magiskt men hittar på en del språ...

My visa thoughts

I am writing my thoughts regarding that Sweden together with Germany, Belgium, Holland & Luxembourg has asked to reintroduce visa for Macedonian citizens. For some for me unknown reasons they want to cancel the visa-free agreement that was introduced in December 2009, where Macedonian citizens are able to travel within the Schengen area up to three months without visa. This is on the top of all the news in Macedonia, but on Swedish sites I cant find a word about this never mind any explanations. Why no information and what is the reason for this reintroduction? Sweden is claiming to support Macedonia in their development and also to in the future be able to be integrated into EU withing the future. With this background it is even more strange that Sweden now is building walls for this European country and its two million citizens, the word is nothing but hypocrisy.   Varför dessa murar ? Varje tidning och nyhetssändning i Makedonien di...

Illustration Friday topic: Mirror

I have no idea where I got this idea from or actually I do...  I am still not sure if my latest haircut was a success or catastropha, I guess that inspires me in weird and unexpected ways... This is anyway my contribution to Illustrating Friday on this week topic mirror . This is a naked and pretty ugly truth that can happen to us all...

The Iphone bubble

IPhone is a marketing phenomenon with around 37 million units sold worldwide. Team Nikolovski is not one of them fallen for the phenomena.  In matter of fact the whole phenomena is so absurd and feels more like a sect than anything else. IPhone has taken marketing and branding to a new level and has managed to create a new buyer-seller relationship. New factors seems to be driving the demand and supply, where the consumers are more than willing to wait long time for new releases as they are caught up in the world of Nextopia. Nextopia where our expectations of what are coming will be so much better then today lives. IPhone has created an exclusive feeling including gadgets and aps that will entertain it's users at all time. As an outsider the whole thing looks so bizarre. I have never seen people so proud of a technical device before. They hold them, touch them and can hardly stop looking at them. IPhone people are so proud to be an IPhone user that they f...

Illustration Friday: Book

This weeks topic on illustration Friday is Book. This gave me many ideas, however sometimes the time isn't enough.  I remembered an illustration I made beginning of this year on the book theme and decided to reuse it.  

Food food and more food

We have been fed with sooo much food during our trip. The Balkan food and the way of eating are amazing. It starts with meze containing cheeses, salad's, bread, aijvar, salami, ham, tomatoes and much more. At this face of the meal I am very hungry and there is so much nice, so I eat and I am every time eating too much. Seriously it looks like this is the main dish as it is so much food, but  this follows by a nice warm soup and more bread. This is also very good and after a portion I am really starting to get full full. Don't think this is the end, oh no here comes the main dish or dishes I should say. I have no room for more food but it smells and looks so good that I have try to make extra room and continue to eat. A big piece of a very tasty homemade cake finishes the meal of. By this time I can feel that I have eaten far too much and that the food coma soon will kick in. The question is why the hell I don'...

Trip reflections

Skopje has really treated Team Nikolovski with great super warm October weather. 34 degrees in October is unusually even for Macedonia. We have had a good time even though it was very busy to work daytime and to have the chance to see family and friends at the evenings. The long trip and full schedule all week has got us to realize that it is time for me and baby bump to start to slow down a little. I am sure that the nice weather made our mini member to grow quit a lot last week.    Our general feeling about Skopje is that they are trying hard to make it shine and that the city center is really looking extra ordinary with all the giant statues and new buildings. The diversity is radical, as beautiful the surrounding landscape and city center is as ugly some parts are. Also you can clearly see the diversity of the residence of Skopje. You can feel and smell all the different flavors like a mix of different spices. Some flavor...

Illustration Friday topic: Crooked

My contribution on Illustrating Fridays topic: Crooked This is my crooked banana..

Two sides of the same table

Friday gives a great feeling. Work week is over and we are ready and excited for the weekend to start..We are tired and ready to relax.. To cork up a nice bottle of red wine is a great Friday activity. We have collected some really nice bottles on our travels, they are looking good and tasty. But at the moment there are two sides to the same table in the Nikolovski household. One side that can enjoy the taste of the red drops     And one side that are only aloud to look, smell and try just a tiny drop or two   Weekend plans   Team Nikolovski is spending weekend in the car going to Belgrade on Saturday and staying there over night. I am hoping we will get the chance to have a look around Belgrade before continuing our journey down to Skopje on Sunday. The car will be packed with presents to all Nikolovski relatives, neighbours and friends. A challenges to figure out what all the different peopl...

A Prenatal Yoga experience...

Monday this week I left work a little earlier to attend my first prenatal yoga lesson.. A great warm, sunny day and I was double pleased with myself,  not only did I manage to find the way without any problems but also being in time...  Pragues all metro lines, trams, buses, where to go and which exit to take is still a bit of  a jungle for me, but hey I am definitely getting better and better... The yoga experience started with a cup of green tea and a chat about that it is a difference between stretching your body and feeling pain even if it is a fine line between them.. I should have got a little worried here, but I thought if I have managed to ride all sorts of wild horses, been doing boxercise (regularly every third year at Friskis and Svettis..) and with a lot of willpower even trained capoeira (OK only for a few times but even so... It counts..) Yoga will or at least should be nice and relaxing way of doing exercise. I do admit I felt very rel...

A rainy Team building experience II

  I will more in detail explain Team Nikolovski's climbing Giant Mountain experience in heavy rain and thick fog. Husband was a little skeptical at first as the rain was really pouring it down and not sure that it is clever to climb mountains with a wife carrying a 6 months big baby bump.. I was prepared and squeezed into rain gear from top bottom. Cute colorful rain jacket and trousers which I thought would be waterproof, but of course turned out to be everything but waterproof. As my husband says "if you pay peanuts you get peanuts" very true and a very wet lesson to learn in the middle of nowhere.. What I was thinking when I picked my white jogging shoes (to be clear jogging shoes which has never been for a jog and will never go for a jog, not with me anyway..) I can confirm these type of shoes are not waterproof what so ever and an extremley stupid choice... My husband looked like a walking condom with a plastic cover wrapped ar...

A rainy Team building experience..

  Team Nikolovski has just got back from a trip to the Krkonose (Giants Mountain) National park located on the Meadow mountain plateau next to highest Czech mountain Snezka. Together with some of our colleagues the plan was to enjoy and team build out in the wild nature for a couple of days. We stayed in a mountain chalet with its own brewery and bakery, great beer and fresh bread in the middle of nowhere..   The previous days in Prague had been summer warm and sunny and even if we had seen the rough weather forecast the amount of rain and the radical temperature drop came as a chock... Some people were more prepared than others to this weather conditions and also for the planned activity to climb Snezka. Looking around you could find everything from hardcore outdoor equipment with goretex, stakes and backpacks to shiny office shoes and blazer jackets (super non waterproof as you can imagine..)   Even though it was raining very...

A need for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

  Team Nikolovski has got a new morning routine.. Every morning for the past three weeks when husband is seeing himself in the mirror he comments that he is in a need of a haircut. Yesterday he shouted that he can't recognize himself for all the fluffy hair..I would say it is not that bad, but ok he is ready for a haircut no doubt.. Latest this morning he was promising himself to go the hairdresser this afternoon.. I am monitoring the development, it makes me smile, but I wouldn't put my money on that he will get it done today or even this week..  

Czech driving and traffic is horror..

4 months has gone since we moved to Prague, Czech Republic. We are getting use to the life and the pulse here and we are enjoying it. No doubt it is a different lifestyle to live in a bigger city compared to Örebro, a middle sized Swedish town cute but pretty sleepy. Our new neighborhood here in Prague 5 is great, nature around the corner at the same time city center only 15 minutes away. From our balcony we can see the city in the horizon as it wakes up and goes to sleep. A city full of life with  different flavors and options, but where we are it is quiet and calm.   BUT there is something that we cant get use to and probably never will get use to... The traffic behaviors!!! Seriously Czech people turn into monsters behind the steering wheel. It doesn’t matter if they are sat in a new shiny or an old rusty vehicle, if it is a man or a woman, young or old, if they have passengers or no passengers, they ...